Bajet Gaji Bulanan Calculator


I was tired of manually calculating my monthly budget based on different formulas, including 50% for needs, 30% for wants, and 20% for savings or 70% for needs, 20% for wants, and 10% for savings, depending on my monthly commitments. This manual process was time-consuming.


To simplify the budget calculation process, I built a budget calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript initially for myself. The calculator has a user-friendly interface, allowing me to insert my net salary and my monthly commitments. Since I use event listener “input” on the input field, the calculator instantly updates the results as I type, eliminating the need to click a calculate button. I can select the desired budget formula, and the calculator will automatically calculate the amounts for each budget category and present the results to me.

I published the calculator on 18 January 2023, initially designed for my personal use. However, surprisingly, many people have benefited from the calculator. The user-friendly interface makes the budget calculation process more accessible, easier, and smoother for a wider audience. The ability to insert their monthly commitment details and net salary instantly gives users more accurate and comprehensive control over their budget.

Calculator user from 18 Jan 2023 to 1 Feb 2023
  • The budget calculator saves user’s time and reduces the risk of errors compared to manual calculation.
  • The ability to insert net salary, monthly commitment details, and to select the desired budget formula gives user more control and allows user to adjust their budget as their monthly commitments change.
  • Building the calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript gave me the opportunity to customize the calculator to my specific needs and preferences.
  • Many people have benefited from this calculator and it has been used by over 100,000 people since its publication on January 18, 2023.

By using a budget calculator built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I make people’s lives easier as they can simplify their monthly budget calculation process and have more accurate and comprehensive control over their budget. This tool can save time and reduce the risk of errors, making budget management easier, more accessible, and smoother for them. The widespread use of the calculator by over 100,000 people since its publication demonstrates its effectiveness and usefulness in simplifying the budget calculation process for a wider audience.

Calculator link: